Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blog Two - rakeing needles

There's always just too much to do in a day. I know I'm not alone with this thought. I just figured that it would be a catchy introduction.

Life is so good. There is never a reason to be "bored". That's an experience I don't remember having, except when I'm somewhere that I can't control, such as a doctor's waiting room. You can look at the old magazines and things around the office only for so long.

Projects, well that's the theme that I started with, so I should continue. When we moved in to our current home about 26 years ago, there was only one plum tree, and lots of bare land. No grass, plants, bushes or trees. I remember planting the three or four pine trees in our front yard. They were about 5 to 6 feet tall then. Now they're well over 30 feet tall and more than 20 feet wide. I never knew that they would find things to drop all year 'round! This time of year it is needles, or "pine straw" as it is called in other parts of the country. It is sought after in other parts of the country for mulch. I invite anyone who wants to, to come and get it! Each Saturday I spend an hour or more raking it all up, and it seems the next day, the winds blow and more and more come down. Pine trees aren't like deciduous trees. They drop needles all year long. At various times they also add to the needles, pollen and pine cones. Many is the time that I've considered cutting them down. If I didn't love the life I have with my wife I'd probably have cut them down by now. Those needles twist in the wind like little drills and drill right down into the mortar between our paving stones on our courtyard. They stand up like little porcupines! You can't just rake them away. They must be individually pulled. Oh such fun! I felt I needed to have an image so I went out and took a picture. It is dark, so you don't get anything too exciting.

By the way, when referring to the act of using a yard rake to gather needles, is the word spelled "raking" or "rakeing"? Such challenges in my life.....

I'm grousing, but I really enjoy yard work. I put my iPod on with my wireless earphones and enjoy being in my own little world. I spend all day working, and sometimes just don't want to stop.

Other projects on the horizon are:
Making trellises for our roses to mount against the house. I've got one in progress.
Replacing the plywood on the yard cart that I left out in the rain
Shop projects that I've been planning to make
Sorting out music on my computer for my iPod
Preparing for song leader training classes that I'm starting this Sunday
I could go on, but that's enough for tonight.

1 comment:

Jamie @ Bungalow Bee said...

Like father, like son! David spends a LOT of time in the yard, too. Much to be done! I think he enjoys the sense of pride and accomplishment in the work he's done. Sounds like you and David are very similar - never bored and always find things for your hands to do! :)